Ireland 2018 – June 3 2018
Sunday the team shrunk a bit with Tim flying back to Canada and Lisa back to the U.S. We had the privilege of meeting with the believers in Shankill for a time of worshipping the Lord and hearing from His Word. After enjoying Ron and Robin’s fabulous cookin’ the team relaxed and enjoyed the grounds […]
April 8 – Ghana 2018
Sunday April 8 2018 Today was the teams’ second Sunday with the Believers Bible Assembly here in Kumasi. The Lord’s Supper was well attended with all seats taken. It was a precious time as we shared again the remembrance our Savior’s wondrous love. Mr. David Koehle, a dear friend and brother from Port Alberni in […]
April 1 – Ghana 2018
Sunday April 1st, 2018 Today was our first Lord’s Day with the Believers Bible Assembly in Kumasi, Ghana. The team wore their team shirts for an morning photo before assembling together for the Lord’s Supper. As the believers began to arrive the room filled up until all chairs were taken. There was plenty of bible […]