April 11 – Ghana 2018
Wednesday April 11 2018 Our time in Ghana “doing the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim 4:5) is winding down. Today as the team set out to visit the last two schools we welcomed a bright clear azure sky with fluffy clouds and waves of hot desert breeze. The first school we visited was ‘Heiceford […]
April 10 – Ghana 2018
Tuesday April 1o 2018 We are in our second week of our mission program, and finding endless opportunities to share the gospel with the people of Ghana, particularly with school children. Today began by visiting Reach High school, where we were met by around 100 Junior High students. We went through our gospel program with […]
April 9 – Ghana 2018
Monday April 9 2018 The enthusiasm and desire of the team to communicate the Gospel is undimmed. After the many activities of the Lord’s Day the team members were up early and ready to deliver evangelistic programs at three local schools Monday morning at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 am. Jesse and Kofi had their first […]
April 8 – Ghana 2018
Sunday April 8 2018 Today was the teams’ second Sunday with the Believers Bible Assembly here in Kumasi. The Lord’s Supper was well attended with all seats taken. It was a precious time as we shared again the remembrance our Savior’s wondrous love. Mr. David Koehle, a dear friend and brother from Port Alberni in […]
April 7 – Ghana 2018
Saturday April 7 2018 After an intense week of activity the team used today as a time of rest and enjoyment. Most of us travelled to lake Bosomtwe for a picnic lunch and some time to play foot ball (soccer) and swim. Some chose to rest in the shade while others enjoyed teaching the Ghanaians […]
April 6 – Ghana 2018
Friday April 6 2018 Today was a packed day! Even with a tight schedule, the team still had an excellent opportunity to share a clear gospel message to many individuals. This morning we arrived to an enthusiastic bunch of students at Regal International School. We were given plenty of time to share different demonstrations pointing […]
April 5 – Ghana 2018
Thursday April 5 2018 Today was an eventful day for the team. We started the day at Bible Faith school. Upon our arrival we were greeted by about 300 students. The kids gathered in the courtyard and listened carefully to the program, even though they had to stand for 45 minutes. After we finished our […]
April 3 – Ghana 2018
Tuesday April 3 2018 Today began our first of many school visits. The team worked together to share the gospel with junior high and primary students using a variety of different methods. We opened by singing a Twi song for the children and then moved into some illustrations and a puppet skit before sharing a […]
April 2 – Ghana 2018
Monday April 2 2018 The morning began with some team members taking the opportunity to practice simple ways to communicate the Gospel, including using a paint board or other visuals methods. A “dress rehearsal” followed for the programs we will be putting on in the schools beginning tomorrow. The program is comprised of a variety […]
April 1 – Ghana 2018
Sunday April 1st, 2018 Today was our first Lord’s Day with the Believers Bible Assembly in Kumasi, Ghana. The team wore their team shirts for an morning photo before assembling together for the Lord’s Supper. As the believers began to arrive the room filled up until all chairs were taken. There was plenty of bible […]