Belize 2019 | February 16 – March 1
Over the weekend the last of the team members arrived in Belize for the 2019 eTeam, marking the 5th eTeams group to Belize. Over the next two weeks the team will be visiting many locations in Belize to present the gospel and distribute literature. On Friday and Saturday we met the other team members and […]
Ireland 2018 – June 3 2018
Sunday the team shrunk a bit with Tim flying back to Canada and Lisa back to the U.S. We had the privilege of meeting with the believers in Shankill for a time of worshipping the Lord and hearing from His Word. After enjoying Ron and Robin’s fabulous cookin’ the team relaxed and enjoyed the grounds […]
Ireland 2018 – June 2 2018
Today was a free day for the team. We started by hiking up Sugarloaf, a local hill. It was quite a steep climb and rather misty today, but the view was still worth it. Grace Carolan and local mission worker Heidi joined the team. After scaling the hill the team plus Heidi piled back in […]
Ireland 2018 – May 28 2018
Today we’ve had a chance to settle in at Glen Maris House. After a relaxed breakfast the team had a time of Bible study and Irish culture training with Ron and Tim. Before and after lunch we labeled loads of magazines with Shankill Bible Church’s info in preparation for door-to-door outreach. In the afternoon the […]
Ireland 2018 – May 27 2018
Today was our last day in Waterford. We fellowshipped with the saints at Waterford Christian Assembly. After the meeting Brian and Rachael Johnson kindly provided a delicious lunch at the assembly for us. Once we had said our goodbyes to the Johnsons’ and Wilsons’ we were on our way to Shankill, Dublin, where the team […]
Ireland 2018 – May 25 2018
It was another warm and sunny day here in Ireland. We’ve been so blessed with such good weather! Today our day began with a team devotion at Waterford Christian Assembly led by David Wilson on the Attributes of God, dealing primarily with the sovereignty of God. The team then headed out to letterbox for about […]
Ghana 2018 – Wrap up
The final Sunday April 15 2018 for the team in Ghana was a busy day. Mercer preached on the resurrection and the stages of future resurrection. Megan taught the Sunday school class, and Michael taught the teen class with the help of Stephen. Pam and Jewel gave an important lesson to the ladies and teen […]
April 14 – Ghana 2018
Saturday April 14 2018 Today has been a day full of travel and preparations for the team’s departure back to Canada. The team members who were in Cape Coast left this morning and arrived safely back in Kumasi after the long drive. We are thankful to God that we had no problems with the van, […]
April 13 – Ghana 2018
Friday April 13, 2018 Today began with concern for Jesse’s health – he had symptoms consistent with malaria. We had trouble locating a medical clinic, as the local people seemed oblivious to the existence of a clinic or a doctor. Eventually a clinic was located and we were thankful to the Lord that the lab […]
April 12 – Ghana 2018
Thursday April 12 2018 A 5:00 am start to Cape Coast and Elmina Castle was scheduled today for the majority of the Canadian portion of the team. Surprisingly after our long day and late night yesterday the team was able to depart at 5:10 am. We picked up Emmanuel Agyeman on the way, making good […]