Ghana 2019 – May 22

“But on this one I will look; on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word.” Isaiah 66:2 Our team split up this morning to cover two different schools. Daniel took one team to Duase JHS, and Emma Senior took the rest to Crown Prince. Both teams were […]


Ghana 2019 – May 21

“This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” 1 John1:7 We started early this morning, heading out to Askore Mapong Primary School, and Askore Mapong JHS to declare the message to approximately one thousand school children. At the […]


Ghana 2019 – May 20

“I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me.” Daniel 4:2 It is good to be able to tell you about the things that God is doing through and for this team in Ghana. Today was our first day of evangelism and, as such, was […]


Ghana 2019 – May 19

Today was the first opportunity for our foreign visitors to meet the church family and minister in the various classes. After the Lord’s Supper, Mama Sarah shared with the ladies of the assembly how older woman are to teach younger women, and understanding a sister’s biblical roles in the home and church. Brother Sean shared […]


Ghana 2019 – Orientation & Training – May 18

Our day was full as the team assembled for orientation and training. After going over schedules and a variety of practical issues, we were pleased to hear brother Joseph Frimpong teach about evangelism in Ghana. His wife, Heather, along with their three children were able to join us for lunch, and meet all the team […]


Ghana 2019 – Arrival in Ghana – May 17

The USA/Canada contingent of our mission team arrived safely in Ghana, and were welcomed warmly in Kumasi by Daniel Webster and some of the young men on the team. The van was loaded with luggage and we made our way to our mission host house. Everyone exchanged friendly greetings, especially Priscilla Webster, and after a […]


Ghana 2019 – Meet the Team

Our 2019 mission team to Ghana is about to commence. We are expecting the North American team members on Friday May 17th, and will run an intense evangelism program over the next two weeks. We are asking everyone to join in praying for God to use this effort not only to communicate the gospel widely, […]


Belize 2019 – February 23

This morning the guys on the team attended a men’s breakfast at Western Dairy, a local restaurant. About 24 men from three area assemblies came out and we had the entire upper floor of the restaurant to ourselves. We enjoyed a delicious, typical Belizean breakfast: Fry Jack, beans and scrambled eggs. Don provided some spiritual […]


Belize 2019 – February 19

The team distributed invitations to the regular meetings at Western Paradise Bible Chapel within the community of Western Paradise this morning. Along with the invitations we gave out tracks with John 3:16 on one side and a Gospel message using John 3:16 on the reverse side. Many of the team members were able to engage […]


Belize 2019 – February 18

Monday we had a change of plans! We had planned an excursion for the morning that had to be cancelled because the battery was stolen out of our van, but it was just as well as three team members came down with travellers stomach flu. Wayne and Don went on a search for medicine. While in the […]

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