Ireland 2018 – June 1 2018

Our time here in Ireland is almost over! We started today with another devotion with Ron Hampton on Acts 9. One of our team members, Lisa, hasn’t been feeling well so she stayed at Glenmaris today to rest. The remainder of the team plus local mission worker Heidi travelled to Dublin city centre to do […]


Ireland 2018 – May 31 2018

This morning we had a team devotion with Ron Hampton. After the team said good bye to Morgan as he is headed back to Canada today. He is meeting his wife Beverlea and they are travelling to PA, USA to attend MOP together. MOP is Missionary Orientation Program put on jointly by MSC Canada and […]


Ireland 2018 – May 30 2018

The mornings are getting later after the excitement of starting in a new area (Dublin) wore off, at least for me. I am getting more sleep and sacrificing breakfast. In the morning we had a team devotion with Len from Shankill Bible Church. We then did some letter boxing and got about 500 magazines out! […]


Ireland 2018 – May 29 2018

Bright and early this morning we headed to the city centre to do open air evangelism with Mickey Walker. We took the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) from Shankill to Dublin city centre. The team had tracts and right away began handing them out at the DART station in Shankill! First we stopped at the […]


Ireland 2018 – May 28 2018

Today we’ve had a chance to settle in at Glen Maris House. After a relaxed breakfast the team had a time of Bible study and Irish culture training with Ron and Tim. Before and after lunch we labeled loads of magazines with Shankill Bible Church’s info in preparation for door-to-door outreach. In the afternoon the […]


Ireland 2018 – May 27 2018

Today was our last day in Waterford. We fellowshipped with the saints at Waterford Christian Assembly. After the meeting Brian and Rachael Johnson kindly provided a delicious lunch at the assembly for us. Once we had said our goodbyes to the Johnsons’ and Wilsons’ we were on our way to Shankill, Dublin, where the team […]


Ireland 2018 – May 25 2018

It was another warm and sunny day here in Ireland. We’ve been so blessed with such good weather! Today our day began with a team devotion at Waterford Christian Assembly led by David Wilson on the Attributes of God, dealing primarily with the sovereignty of God. The team then headed out to letterbox for about […]


Ireland 2018 – May 24 2018

A brand new day, began here in Ireland with a time of fellowship and breakfast as the team prepared to return to the Waterford Christian Assembly to study God’s word, and to join together in distribution of Gospel literature, door to door preaching and tract distribution.  Our study this morning was led by our host […]


Ireland 2018 – May 23 2018

Today was a free day. Some of us slept in and had a later breakfast. We also assembled our sandwiches for our lunch that afternoon. Lisa was chief cook for making our supper for tomorrow night with co-chefs Mrs Johnson, Kathryn and myself! We tackled a foreign kitchen and whipped together a lasagna. Than we […]


Ireland 2018 – May 22 2018

Today was warm and sunny! The team started out with an encouraging time of singing and devotion at Waterford Christian Assembly. Brian shared from Bible about a few of the God’s attributes; today looking primarily at His holiness. We had a great time sharing the gospel door-to-door in the afternoon, and had many good conversations […]

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