Ireland 2018 – May 23 2018

Today was a free day. Some of us slept in and had a later breakfast. We also assembled our sandwiches for our lunch that afternoon. Lisa was chief cook for making our supper for tomorrow night with co-chefs Mrs Johnson, Kathryn and myself! We tackled a foreign kitchen and whipped together a lasagna. Than we […]


Ireland 2018 – May 22 2018

Today was warm and sunny! The team started out with an encouraging time of singing and devotion at Waterford Christian Assembly. Brian shared from Bible about a few of the God’s attributes; today looking primarily at His holiness. We had a great time sharing the gospel door-to-door in the afternoon, and had many good conversations […]


Ireland 2018 – May 21 2018

Today we had our first day of action! We started off our day with breakfast at the Johnsons house; they have been such an awesome host family. At 8:45 we left for Waterford Christian Assembly where we had a team devotion led by David Wilson. Each day this week the team will meet with David […]


Ireland 2018 – May 20 2018

Today our day began with a team devotion led by Morgan. We then fellowshipped with the saints at Waterford Christian Assembly. In the second service Lucien and Tim gave their testimonies while Lisa and Kathryn led the Sunday school. After the service we were invited to the churches carryin lunch (potluck).The assembly was treated to […]

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