Ireland 2019 – July 9
This morning started the same as yesterday – we travelled early to Waterford and had a devotion time with David and Beth Wilson and Brian and Rachel Johnson. Today Brian spoke on Matthew 6. Then we had some time to prepare before it was time to start our second day of kids clubs at Waterford, […]
Ireland 2019 – June 30 & July 1
Sunday June 30 was a more relaxed day for the team. Kevin preached at Shankill Bible Church on Hebrews chapter 11 on the faithfulness of Moses. We then enjoyed a fantastic fellowship lunch with members of the church. In the afternoon we completed our last team orientation session in preparation for the summer project at […]
Ghana 2019 – May 30
Yesterday the team finished a busy schedule of evangelism, and so as we near the end of the missions’ trip, the foreign members of our team traveled to Cape Coast for some sight seeing and relaxation at the beach. Nine of the team members from USA and Canada along with Daniel the driver and host, […]
Belize 2019 – February 25
Today we started a little later than usual but we hit the ground running! This morning we distributed invitations to the Gospel meeting at Western Paradise Bible Chapel as well as John 3:16 texts with a great gospel message on the reverse side in the neighbourhood surrounding the assembly. There were 11 of us involved […]
Belize 2019 – February 24
The Lord’s Day was full of ministry by the eTeam among the saints of Belize. Don went to Western Paradise Bible Chapel while Wayne to Berea Bible Chapel. At Grace Chapel Emily taught Sunday school and Vera led the singing and games. Everyone enjoyed the crafts. Jeff spoke on Biblical eldership and Wayne preached the gospel. […]
Ireland 2018 – June 3 2018
Sunday the team shrunk a bit with Tim flying back to Canada and Lisa back to the U.S. We had the privilege of meeting with the believers in Shankill for a time of worshipping the Lord and hearing from His Word. After enjoying Ron and Robin’s fabulous cookin’ the team relaxed and enjoyed the grounds […]
Ireland 2018 – June 2 2018
Today was a free day for the team. We started by hiking up Sugarloaf, a local hill. It was quite a steep climb and rather misty today, but the view was still worth it. Grace Carolan and local mission worker Heidi joined the team. After scaling the hill the team plus Heidi piled back in […]
Ireland 2018 – June 1 2018
Our time here in Ireland is almost over! We started today with another devotion with Ron Hampton on Acts 9. One of our team members, Lisa, hasn’t been feeling well so she stayed at Glenmaris today to rest. The remainder of the team plus local mission worker Heidi travelled to Dublin city centre to do […]