The eTeam members arriving: team leaders Kevin and Katy Woytowich with children Olivia and Charley and Courtney Peters on Monday; Rob Cretney July 28; Allison Unruh and Laurel Wolfe tomorrow; and finally Phil Minnett Sunday. Of course assistant team leader Heidi Koppen lives in Ireland year round. LIKE and SHARE the eTeams Facebook page for daily info, mission updates, pics and videos. Please be praying for the team, the children’s outreaches which will be taking place in support of assemblies in Kilkenny, Waterford and Dublin over the next three weeks.

Kevin & Katy serve the Lord full-time being commended by Grace Chapel, Winnipeg, MB in 2008. Kevin first started coming to Ireland on teams in 1999. He then became a team leader before marrying Katy in 2004. Then they began leading teams to Ireland together. The Woytowiches will be in Ireland ministering until September 6. BTW, this is Olivia’s 3rd trip to Ireland and Charley’s 2nd. Experienced cross-cultural missionaries already!

Heidi participated on 5 eTeams in Ireland & Ghana before being commended by her Dubuque, IA assembly in 2015 to be a missionary resident in Dublin. Heidi has led teams and assisted several times in the past, most recently in May-June (see previous postings). Heidi will be doing a lot of driving over the next 3 weeks so be praying!

While this is Phil’s 1st experience with eTeams in Ireland he has served the Lord cross-culturally before. Phil fellowships with the Faith Evangelical Bible Church in Winkler, MB. His older brother Nathaniel was on an eTeams work team to Ireland in 2015 but Philip decided to come anyways.

Laurel fellowships along with her family at Grace Chapel in Winnipeg. She is also visiting with family while in Ireland as her mum comes from Lettterkenny, Co Donegal and her da from Macroom, Co Cork.

Although she has never been to Ireland before she shared she absolutely adores the country. Where she has been is Selkirk, MB where she fellowships at the Selkirk Gospel Chapel. Allison is the 3rd young person from this smaller assembly to serve with eTeams.

Courtney has previously been on short term mission teams to Mexico and Northern SK. Along with her family Courtney fellowships with the Roblin Evangelical Mission Church in you guessed it… Roblin, MB.

Rob is following is his dad Brian’s footsteps in getting involved with eTeams. Brian was on the first team back in 1996 before we even had a name for the ministry. Our youngest team member Rob is already very experienced in serving the Lord in his assembly: Brockview Bible Chapel, St Catharines, ON, AWANA & camps. BTW, this photo taken by his dad (unfamiliar with media) doesn’t do Rob justice.
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