Team members will be leaving home this evening, flying over night and arriving in Dublin in the morning of May 19 2017. They will spend the next 2.5 weeks sharing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, hosted by three Irish churches and working alongside various missionaries and national workers. A part of their purpose will also be to build up the assemblies and those with whom they serve.

The team will be working with the Newcastle West Bible Fellowship in Limerick alongside Colin and Natalie Burnett and Andy and Gillian Shanks; the Waterford Christian Assembly with David and Beth Wilson; and the Shankill Bible Church with Len and Catrin Carolan and Frank and Grace Carolan.
Meet the team:

Heidi will be looking after the team while they are in Ireland. She is very experienced having been on and assisted teams several times starting in 2008, both in Ireland and Ghana. Originally from Iowa, she is in full-time ministry in Ireland.
Please be praying for Heidi, Chris, Sarah, Deborah and Luke. News, pictures and videos from the trip will be posted daily on the eTeams blog and Facebook page.
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