July 31 – Ireland 2017

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We started our day off with Katy’s amazing pan’cake’ and a team devotion. We then spent all morning and part of the afternoon doing orientation.

      Orientation time!

First Frank Carolan enlightened us with Irish culture and history. We broke for a lunch of soup and garlic toast. After lunch, David Wilson shared a word on unity. We then discussed child safety, which resulted in four different locations because of Ireland’s unpredictable weather. After, we brainstormed ideas for our kids club that begins tomorrow. For supper, Katy blessed us once again with her amazing cooking and tacos. After supper we went to the green where we will be doing kids clubs. We played some football and invited a couple kids to come to our clubs.

We then took a drive out to West Coon. Our drive was uneventful until we came across a herd of cows were crossing the road like they owned the place. See right.

After we dodged the animals we continued on our way to a hurling match. For those who don’t know, Hurling is an outdoor team sport of ancient gaelic and Irish origin, and is similar to gaelic football or lacrosse. After the game we all got some fish and chips at a Chipper and then drove back to Kilkenny.



1 Comments for : July 31 – Ireland 2017
    • Brian Aggett
    • August 1, 2017

    Great report, keep them coming, fuel for prayer’

Reply to Brian Aggett. cancel

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