Today we kicked off our week of kids clubs in Waterford for their 2019 Holiday Bible Club, this year being a summer olympic theme. We had an early start into Waterford to meet with local mission workers David and Beth Wilson and Brian and Rachel Johnson for a devotion time before starting the club at 11 am. David spoke today on 1 Corinthians chapter 3. We had about 20 kids attend the club today. We started with games led by Caleb, and then singing led by Larissa with Olivia on the ukulele. This was Larissa’s first time leading singing, and she did a fabulous job! After the games Katie G taught the memory verse. Kevin taught the bible lesson and then Kathryn gave the quiz. We split the kids into teams, and then we had each kid design a team flag and pick a team name, with volunteers picking the best ones to represent each team. We have Red Rovers, the Green Runners, and the Yellow team. Each team will accumulate points over the course of the week for memory verses said, questions answered in the quiz etc, with the winning team able to pick their prizes first at the end of the week.

After the club we enjoyed a tasty lunch with the Johnson’s, and then since we had a free afternoon we decided to do some street evangelism in Waterford city centre. We spent about an hour going out in pairs, doing surveys and talking to people in the square. Larissa and Kathryn had an interesting conversation with two Muslim men. They also had a good conversation with a young woman visiting Ireland from Paris. She was raised Catholic but said she no longer believed in God or life after death since her grandmother died. She seemed really open to talking, and Larissa was able to share some of her testimony with her. Caleb and Katie G also had some good conversations. We pray for these seeds that were planted and watered, and look to God to give the increase.

For dinner we enjoyed wonderful food and fellowship with the Johnson family. We then headed back to Kilkenny and had an early night, which is very much appreciated by the team as the next two nights will be later nights.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the team. You can find daily updates, pictures and videos from the team on the eTeams Facebook page.
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