We joined the leader meeting once again this morning for a devotion and time of prayer. Today Caleb gave us an encouraging message on 1 Kings 19. God not only had a plan for Elijah, but He also provided everything he needed. Coming away from the spiritual high on Mount Carmel, Elijah felt like a failure, something Caleb termed “post-camp depression”. Elijah had run away to Horeb in fear, disobeying God. But in mercy and grace God reached out to Elijah (v. 13), and laid out His plan for the short years of Israel, the bigger picture, which included Elijah’s successor. How wonderful is it that we can experience God’s mercy and grace even when we run away from His will. And praise God that He is sovereign – that He has a perfect plan that will come about in His timing, and in His way. As we continue this week in Shankill and when we return home, may we be obedient to God and sensitive to His guiding.
We continued on with summer project this morning – Kevin speaking in Bible time on Zacchaeus. He used the story to emphasize the fact that we shouldn’t wait to follow Jesus, as His salvation is a gift freely offered, only waiting to be received by us. Caleb then gave the quiz.

In the afternoon the team joined the leaders for a fun outing to Greystones on the Dart to enjoy some time at the beach. By 4 everyone had returned and the kids gone home for the day. The leaders then debriefed and prepared for the evening ahead. For dinner we enjoyed hotdogs and s’mores and wonderful fellowship with Joe and Grace and their three (soon to be four) kids. We are especially thankful that they were willing to host us after a busy day with summer project! After dinner the team did some outreach with Kathy, who along with her husband Jim are local mission workers who work with the Irish Traveller people. The team visited with one lady, we’ll call her B, who lost her two children in a house fire a few years ago. We have a team member whose life has also been touched by tragedy, and she was able to share a bit of her testimony. Please pray for B; that she would know peace and comfort in her time of grief, but more importantly that she make the decision to accept the Lord as her personal Saviour, the source of all comfort. Katie W, Olivia and Charlie also sang some songs for B with Olivia playing the ukulele, which she throughly enjoyed. Then Kevin, Caleb, Larissa and Katie headed out with Kathy to visit two more Travellers sites, using illusions like the three rope trick and others to share the Gospel and pray with kids and adults alike. Katie and Larissa were also able to share their testimonies. At the second site it was a battle of wits between the team and an older gentleman who was sharing magic tricks. This gave the team even more of an opportunity to explain the good news of the Gospel, as these tricks are not ‘magic’ but illusions used to share the Gospel. Please be praying for Jim and Kathy as they continue to seek to reach this unreached people group with the good news of the Gospel, and we hope that this visit with Kathy was an encouragement to her. The other members of the team headed back to Glen Maris to prepare for our departure to Kilkenny tomorrow after summer project wraps up. We praise God for such a good week, and pray that we would be able to finish the week off well and for safety in our travel tomorrow.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the team. You can find daily updates, pictures and videos from the team on the eTeams Facebook page.
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