This morning we started with the leader devotions where Kevin gave an encouraging message from 1 Kings 19. He talked about how discouragement and fear comes from listening to the enemy. Elijah, a once bold and confident man, had become weak and feeble after listening to Jezebel’s message. Her threats were empty and had no power; yet Elijah was afraid and ran away. Anytime you are doing the Lord’s work, whatever it may be, the enemy will try to tell you that it is useless, that it is not worth doing. And even though it is easy to become afraid like Elijah, we can remember that “…God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). The mid-point of the week, kids and leaders alike are tired. However even in our tiredness, we can remember God’s truth “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Today Kevin spoke on the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus , while Larissa taught the memory verse and Katie G gave the quiz.

Summer project ended at 1.30 today, and we are thankful for the half day. We took the DART (Dublin area rapid transit) to Bray and spent a few hours walking on the promenade. Kevin, Katy and Larissa hiked to the top of Bray head while the rest of the team simply enjoyed the sea and sunshine.

We then had a delicious dinner and wonderful fellowship with Gen Cunningham, a member of Shankill Bible Church. After dinner we watched Regina (another member of Shankill Bible church) play gaelic football with her team. We ended the evening off back at Shankill Bible Church with team members busy preparing for summer project on Thursday.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the team. You can find daily updates, pictures and videos from the team on the eTeams Facebook page.
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