Today we continued on with the kids clubs in Waterford. We started the day with a team devotion at Waterford Christian Assembly. Brian spoke on eternal rewards in Matthew 6, and it was an encouraging time spent in the word and in prayer for these tired team workers!
We had less kids today in our morning kids club. Once again Caleb led the games, Larissa the singing with Olivia, and Katie taught the memory verse. Kathryn then gave the message using a flip book. Volunteers Ede and Uwa helped to run the quiz with a mini golf game. We then had a shot put competition using styrofoam balls.

Once the morning club was over we enjoyed a delicious lunch with the Johnson family. We had some free time after lunch to enjoy free time or prepare for the afternoon club. After lunch we noticed that the sky was really dark, and by 2.30 it was lashing rain. We sang a few choruses together and prayed together, that the Lord’s will would be done. We knew that if the Lord wanted to stop the rain to let the kids club go ahead, He could. We also knew that if it was rescheduled for Friday the Lord could have reasons for that as well. In any case we packed up and headed to the green. There were a few discussions and the rain didn’t seem to slacken, but a few excited kids showed up in their rain jackets and wellies, and in the end we decided to go ahead with the club. We quickly got the tent set up and everyone underneath it. Larissa led the singing and at the last minute the plan changed due to the weather and Kathryn gave her flip book message again. Then Larissa gave the quiz and played a fun ring toss game. Finally the kids received prizes and sweets for their participation in the club. By this time the rain had mostly stopped, and we were able to play a few games on the green with the kids. By the end of the club the sun was shining. We are so thankful to God and His provision in all things. Now that the afternoon clubs are over for the week, please pray for these kids – ultimately that they would make the decision to accept Christ as their personal Saviour. They have heard the Gospel, some year after year, and we pray for the seeds that were planted and watered.

After the club we took some time off to spend some time at the beach in Tramore. Caleb, Larissa, Katie, Olivia and Charlie went for a swim in the ocean and then the team spent some quality time using the wifi at a cafe on the strand. For dinner we enjoyed a delicious BBQ and fellowship with Tommy and Brittany, members of Waterford Christian Assembly, along with David and Beth Wilson. We spent the evening visiting, and then headed back to Kilkenny. Tomorrow is our last day of kids clubs in Waterford, and then we plan to do some outreach in Waterford city centre in the afternoon.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the team. You can find daily updates, pictures and videos from the team on the eTeams Facebook page.
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