Today was the first opportunity for our foreign visitors to meet the church family and minister in the various classes. After the Lord’s Supper, Mama Sarah shared with the ladies of the assembly how older woman are to teach younger women, and understanding a sister’s biblical roles in the home and church. Brother Sean shared with the adults a message from Phil 3:11-15 about leaving the old life with all of its ambitions and achievements, to surrender all to Christ and follow Him. Other members of the team helped to teach the Sunday school class and the teen class.
The team spent the afternoon practicing various evangelism methods which will be used to share the Gospel in the coming weeks. Some of the younger team members were clearly nervous to share before their fellow team members, but all managed with a heart of willingness to contribute as they prepared for the busy week of outreach ahead. We are anticipating a great work through this team, as God is glorified in us, by our feeble but willing contributions to share the riches of Christ with many precious souls here in Ghana. Tomorrow begins with a visit to two schools and later an orphanage, while we spread out in the afternoon to share the gospel tracts in busy area of town. In the evening we plan to show the movie “Do You Believe” with some giving testimony, and some preaching. We value prayer for this concerted effort to spread the good news and trust God for the spiritual results.

Thank you to all who have been praying for and supporting this effort. Click here to go to our Facebook page for more updates, pictures and videos.
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