We had a great time wrapping up our week in Kilkenny on some big notes. For our last kids club on the green the team created a mini carnival with five different game stations where the kids could win sweets (candy) and prizes. Everyone pitched in and the sun was out so there were even some passersby who joined in the fun. The kids left the week having learned verses, heard stories, and we could even hear them singing our songs to themselves as they walked home. Praise God! Please pray for the church to find a way to continue this new connection.

Phil’s carnival game was the Irish version of a dunk tank – throwing a wet sponge to the face. He took it like a champ. This might have been the most popular game in our carnival.
Friday night we had a youth night and had loads of fun with these Irish teens. We played games, had a little devotional from Kevin and of course had pizza 🍕
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