April 5 – Ghana 2018

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Thursday April 5 2018

Today was an eventful day for the team. We started the day at Bible Faith school. Upon our arrival we were greeted by about 300 students. The kids gathered in the courtyard and listened carefully to the program, even though they had to stand for 45 minutes. After we finished our gospel program, we were invited to the school’s second building to present once more to the Junior High students. Due to space, the team split into two groups and moved between two classes to give a complete program. We had a wonderful time with the students, who listened attentively, and visited with us after our program ended.

We left the school about one hour behind schedule, and as we were leaving we encountered some difficulty with the van. After the team pushed the van from it’s muddy parking spot, the van had some mechanical failure with the gear shifting. While some worked on the van to find the problem, the rest of the team took the opportunity to move around and talk with some people about the gospel. It was wonderful to see everyone make the best out of the situation and work where the Lord had put us.

While the van was being attended to, most of the team were sent by tro-tro bus back to the house. We are thankful to the Lord that it was an easy fix to get the van up and running again. At home, we were treated to a lovely lunch prepared by Jewel, who had volunteered to stay back today so that Priscilla and Faustina could join us at the schools. Due to delays with the van, we were unable to continue our afternoon evangelism program today.

We had a beautiful, clear evening for our third gospel movie presentation, “The Gospel of John”. Kwasi shared his testimony and Richard preached a gospel message. Tomorrow we plan to continue with the second half of this movie.

We would appreciate your prayers for the following:
1. That the many school children we have met and ministered to will have a clear understanding of the gospel message we have presented to them.
2. Continued strength and energy for the team.
3. Some people have responded to our invitations to the movies. We are encouraged by their interest and hope we can maintain some contact with them.
4. That God will preserve our mission team van since it is important for our mission work.

Thank you for following along, and for your continued support in prayer.  You can find daily updates, pictures and video from the outreach in Ghana at the eTeam’s Facebook page. 

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